Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Spirit of the Marathon

This movie is terrific. A great inspiration for runners or anyone considering running as a sport. Whether your goal is to run a 5K or a marathon, this movie will inspire you. I can not wait to purchase mine on October 7th!

Chill inducing!
My husband (who ran the 05 Chicago marathon) and I (a wanna-be runner) saw this at the 06 Chicago marathon/Chicago Film Festival. The audience was largely full of those running the marathon the next day. The atmosphere was electric as the movie began and throughout it did not disappoint. The story follows 2 elite runners, someone trying to qualify for Boston, 2 women running their first marathon and a master's runner trying to complete his fourth. Each person has such a compelling story from Deena Kastor who is attempting to win at Chicago to Leah, a woman who is trying to pick up the pieces from a divorce and gain back some physical fitness in the process.

The sweeping shots of stunning Chicago and chill inducing music make this an especially entertaining and inspiring movie. Whether you're a long time marathoner or a couch potato, you will find yourself identifying with at least one of the featured runners. You may even find that you're lacing up those running shoes...

I saw this movie at the theatre. It was remarkably inspiring. I wanted to go out that night and run a marathon. The director does a beautiful job of weaving the stories of several runners who are training for the Chicago Marathon. He takes both elite runners and everyday middle of the pack runners. Many, many inspiring stories! I plan to own it and show it to my cross country kids. THIS IS A MUST SEE FOR ALL RUNNERS!!!

Click to Editorial Reviews

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